Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Kittie Adventures

The kitties have recently learned how to hop and decide to run/hop around, while they still can't maintain good balance of their body. They still have a long way to go to attain my level of elegance. With their increasing mobility, dotty has managed to climb out of the wall of the kittie house and explore around. Thus under my demand, Zinger took down a wall of the kitty house so that silly dotty can find her way back in. However, that leads to another problem, now all the kitties want to come out of the house, especially when slave Zinger approaches. Adventurous dotty especially like to climb Zinger when she's sitting by the kittie house, making her way all the way up to Zinger shoulder, and sometimes can't find her way down without Zinger's help. Now she's getting almost as much attention from my slaves as me.... but she's just an immature newborn. I am elegant, mature, attractive, charming.... She is no competition to me. Meow~ pet me!


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